Aliens have been attracting the world's attention for decades, but there's still no concrete evidence of a first-hand encounter with them. Some researchers suggest that artificial intelligence (AI) could be one reason we haven't seen them.

In a new study, "Is Artificial Intelligence the Great Filter that makes advanced technical civilizations rare in the universe?" Michael Garrett from the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Manchester examines the theory that Artificial Superintelligence (ASI), which develops from AI, is the Great Filter.

Some believe that our technological species cannot become multi-planetary because of the Great Filter. That's problematic because a species with a single home is more vulnerable to extinction or stagnation. Without a backup world, a species is racing against time, Garrett claimed.

"Concerns about Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) eventually going rogue is considered a major issue - combatting this possibility over the next few years is a growing research pursuit for leaders in the field," Garrett wrote.

The problem would be a lot simpler if AI had no advantages. However, it offers a plethora of advantages, ranging from enhanced medical diagnostics and imaging to safer transportation networks. For governments, the challenge is to maximize benefits while minimizing harm.

According to Garrett, this is particularly true in fields like national security and the military, where ethical and responsible development is crucial.

The issue is that neither our governments nor we are ready. AI is unlike anything else in the world, and despite our best efforts, we are unable to fully grasp its nature and predict its future.

And any other biological species that evolve AI would also be in the same situation. ASI could become universal with the advent of AI, making it a candidate for the Great Filter.

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