Chris Rutkowski, a researcher who studies unidentified flying objects (UFOs), said that UFO sightings across Canada have increased over 50 percent during the country's coronavirus lockdown.

Rutkowski tracks reports of UFOs cited by UFO organizations, Canadian government sources and social media networks. He said that in 2019, there were 849 UFO reports. However, the number of Canadian reports between March to August was 50 percent higher than the amount reported last year during the same period.

"Most cases are just ordinary mistakes, misidentifications, but ... last year, there was about 3 percent that remained unexplained, that didn't seem to be airplanes, stars, fireballs, all those types of things," Rutkowski told CTV News.

The increased reports during the lockdown, Rutkowski explained, include pilots who receive collision alerts on their transponder systems but who see no visible objects in the sky. Conversely, some air traffic controllers have reported seeing objects in the sky that don't show up on radar.

"We're getting reports from just average, ordinary people looking up at that sky and saying 'That's not a plane, that's not a star. It's been flashing lights in different colors. We're not sure what this is,'" he added.

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