There would be nothing more disruptive than the sudden discovery of aliens. Perhaps that's why a small contingent of Silicon Valley is so interested in UFOs—and wants to know who's piloting them.

With US Navy pilots coming forward to talk about their encounters with anomalous aerial vehicles, UFO hunters are starting to feel vindicated. The cross-section of technologists who are also UFO enthusiasts believe that they not only exist, but that we can make significant scientific breakthroughs by studying them.

Rizwan Virk, runs PlayLabs@MIT. He's also a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, angel investor, author of The Simulation Hypothesis, and finds UFOs compelling as a technologist and scientist.

“I am interested in the phenomenon because I believe mainstream science may have only discovered 5 percent of the truth about reality, and the other 95 percent is still ‘out there,’” he said in an interview.

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