This is not a lead I want to write, because it’s the sort of half-assed cliché I despise. But I can’t help it. And there’s no other way:

For “X-Files” aficionados, or maybe fans of “JFK,” “The Manchurian Candidate,” or “The Parallax View,” what happened last weekend was like a gift from heaven, the holy grail of a script writer’s wet dream. Because every paranoid fantasy or suspicion one holds of big government, every nagging doubt, every conspiracy theory about shadowy goons operating with absolute power, blank checks, and zero oversight has just expressed itself in an allegedly authentic package of notes dubbed the “Core Secrets” transcripts.

It’s a complicated story, and rather than belabor the finer points with a tedious retelling that might bore your brains out, De Void defers to UFO historian Richard Dolan, who offers a good explainer here. He calls it “The UFO Leak of the Century.”


The drama began percolating Thursday night, when someone – nobody knows who – tweeted out the “Core Secrets” stash that had been languishing, largely unnoticed, since April at the Imgur website. These are 15 pages of notes allegedly compiled by physicist Eric Davis on 10/16/02, immediately following his hour-long interview with one Vice Admiral Thomas Wilson, months after Wilson retired as Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and J-2, Joint Staff Director of Intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

To read more, click here.