A sign of change? Feelings of frustration? Ulterior motives? These are all ideas that have been coming to the mind of those who have been well aware of the factual reality that UFOs are in fact real, verifiable for at least the last 3 or 4 decades. Denied, ridiculed and made out to be crazy, those who knew now see the mainstream media talking in the plenty about UFOs and are wondering why.

People’s newsfeed have been exploding with UFO headlines for the past 3 or 4 days. I’m not talking about one or two articles here and there, I’m talking about seeing headline after headline to the point where you can’t ignore the fact that someone is going to come up to you and finally say “hey did you see that thing about how UFOs are now real?”

Have a look at just a few I got, all published 3 days ago, from one quick Google search:

To read more, click here.