Appearing during the first half of Coast to Coast AM on Friday, July 27, 2012, Rhettman Mullis brought listeners up to date on his most recent Bigfoot research findings. Mullis, team leader for Bigfootology, is a frequent guest on Coast to Coast and this time around he kept listeners enthralled with his tale of Patrick, the human-Bigfoot hybrid.

Mullis is working closely with Bryan Sykes, former professor of Human Genetics at University of Oxford. Together they're amassing a large collection of hair samples, believed to be Bigfoot in origin, and DNA sampling will commence later this year at Lausanne Museum of Zoology in Switzerland.

In his quest for the ultimate answers to the existence and origins of Bigfoot, Mullis was able to track down Dr. Ed Fusch who, several years ago, began cataloging the stories and locations of various Bigfoot sightings in western areas of the United States. One of his reports focused on a story from the Colville Indian tribe in northeast Washington. The intriguing tale was about a man named Patrick, who was believed to be a human-Bigfoot hybrid.

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