Two Indiana sisters driving on unfamiliar country road 101 E. through Carbon after dark encountered an object floating just a few feet off the ground with flashing lights, according to October 18, 2011, testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The two were using their GPS to navigate home to nearby Brazil when they turned onto 100 E. near Carbon, but were suddenly afraid when the road turned to gravel and they saw signs like "low clearance."

"We were commenting on how creepy the location was and I noticed, in the distance, there was a series of lights that lit up in a sequential manner which I thought initially was some sort of reflectors on a structure ahead that we couldn't see yet," the reporting witness stated.

One of the sisters pointed out flashing in the sky - but the other said she was more interested in the lights up ahead.

"I asked her to look where I was pointing to the clearing in the trees, and she said, 'I don't see the flashing, but I do see those lights ahead of us.' "

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