A bizarre beast said to combine the characteristics of a kangaroo, dog, rat and deer was captured last week by workers at Prince George’s Hospital Center in Maryland near the nation's capital.

Technicians on a smoke break wandered near a wooded area and found the strange, nearly hairless animal. The workers took cellphone videos of the beast, and eventually lured it into a cage with Chinese food as bait. Local news reporters interviewed the hospital workers, who offered a variety of opinions about the beast's identity.

"It's a kangaroo, dog, rat mixed," X-ray technician Joe Livermore told the local NBC affiliate. "It's got a rat tail and a head like a deer. I don't know what it is."

How can they simply make such a statement without being certain?  They let it go before it could be positively identified.  More MSM B.S., IMO. To read the rest of the article, click here.