Could Leighton be on the verge of an alien invasion? Well, according to many people in the town there have been some sightings of UFOs over the skies during the past few weeks and now they are searching for answers.

It all started the Thursday before Easter when many readers reported to the LBO office that they had seen these bright lights in the sky which clearly were not aircraft. People thought they may have been a satellite or meteors, but they were unsure because the lights moved like some sort of ‘craft’.

Then on Easter Saturday, a post was made on to an American website by someone calling themselves ‘Britwarrior’ about a strange encounter he and some friends had experienced while fishing at Eggington Fisheries near Leighton.

‘Britwarrior’ said there were seven people in their group who first spotted a very bright star-like object moving west directly in a flight path with oncoming traffic, but slightly higher than planes. He said the light blinked on and off which caught their eye. The fisherman said it got smaller and smaller and then vanished. All this happened at about 9.40pm.

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