A San Diego-based UFO researcher named Ed Grimsley captured what one writer called "multiple unidentified flying objects" that were "saucer-shaped [and] appeared to hover in the sky and change direction before moving out of sight." The video was taken April 30 with Grimsley's organization, Skywatch.

To the trained eye, however, this video appears to show something much more banal than a UFO battle.

According to his website, Grimsley "has been seeing battles between unknown aircraft in the night skies since he was a teenager," including two different types of spacecraft "shooting it out using what appear to be laser weapons." Furthermore, "he has seen hundreds of these objects recently and using his five military-grade night vision binoculars he has invited many people to come to his areas and view the objects in earth space shooting it out."

Grimsley believes that "alien or human-like beings may very well be getting ready to take control or evict us from plant Earth," and has made it his mission to "show people what is happening in earth space all the time. I want people to start looking through night vision binoculars and see the battles taking place between aircraft including saucer-shaped objects." [Could Extraterrestrials Really Invade Earth?]

So what about the strange UFO lights that Grimsley and his followers are seeing? Contrary to the account above, the UFOs in the video do not appear "saucer-shaped" at all, but rather look like simple points of light in the night sky.

Robert Sheaffer, a UFO investigator with the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, told Life's Little Mysteries that Grimsley's videos show nothing extraordinary. In fact, the objects are most likely artifacts of the very tool that Grimsley uses to spot UFOs.

Do you think that MSMBS would have ever published an opinion from another "expert" who thought just the opposite? Sometimes these presstitutes just make me want to puke.  To read the rest of this MSMBS, click here.