Aliens are coming to a city near you.

Or, at least they're surveying Boulder County as a future landing zone, according to several Lafayette residents.

Three red lights in a triangle were spotted hovering in the sky by several Lafayette residents Monday around 8:30 p.m. The sky was clear, but witnesses could not see anything connecting the lights.

Leroy Vandervegt, 50, has lived in Lafayette for the past 16 years. His 17-year-old son, Nick, spotted the lights on his way home from work and called his father. Leroy Vandervegt grabbed his camera, ran outside and looked up. He began filming. Sure enough, he too saw three red lights. Aliens? Maybe.

"I don't know what they are," Leroy Vandervegt said. "All I know is that I had no idea what it is. It wasn't a satellite, it wasn't an airplane and it wasn't a helicopter."

The lights made no noise, Vandervegt said, and seemed to hover in the sky while moving slowly from southwest to southeast. They didn't blink. The lights remained in a triangular shape, but the type of triangle changed from equilateral to isosceles to scalene.

Then, the triangle began moving toward the northeast sky when one light extinguished, or zoomed away. The remaining two lights "just turned off and were gone," he said.

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