The past year has been a mixture of both excitement and vexing anticipation for those following the saga of Andrea Rossi's E-Cat (Energy Catalyzer) technology. At the beginning of this year, it was announced that a one megawatt E-Cat plant would be built, tested, and sold to a customer. On October 28th of 2011, the completed one megawatt plant was successfully tested, and the first ever sale of a commercial cold fusion power system was made. This means that cold fusion is no longer a theory that can be irrationally dismissed by skeptical naysayers, but a real world technology that in short order will spark a new industrial and technological revolution.

I'll become a believer when Rossi takes one of his 1 megawatt E-Cat units to Cal Tech or MIT and they perform an independent analysis. I really hope it DOES work as claimed, but I'm not convinced that it does -- yet. To read more, click here.