Researchers from Boston-area Fractal Antenna Systems, Inc., report additional measurements that confirm its claims of a working 'invisibility cloak'.

In March, 2009, the firm's research group disclosed the first invention of the invisibility cloak. It had unprecedented ability to work 'wideband' and render an object invisible to microwaves. The wide-band aspect also demonstrated a path for making invisibility cloaks in the full spectrum of visible light. A previous invisibility cloak effort by Duke University-based researchers had shown some degree of cloaking , but over a narrow frequency band. That cloaking also rendered the object partially detectable/visible by the presence of shadows.

The firm's unprecedented invisibility cloak uses layers of state of the art metamaterial, made from self repeated designs called fractals. The layers surround the object to be cloaked like an onion skin. The microwaves slip stream around the object and its cloak layers.

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"Yes, the fractal trick will be useful for low power warp drive. The ET saucers no doubt have this technology." - Jack Sarfatti on 9-14-2011