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    Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computation
    • Jack Sarfatti Together this is a self-organizing creative feedback loop in time including retro-causal entanglement signal nonlocality in strong violation of orthodox quantum theory.
    • Jack Sarfatti Orthodox quantum theory breaks down for living matter in the same way that special relativity breaks down globally when there are real non-zero gravity (space-time curvature) fields present.
    • Jack Sarfatti Things impossible in the smaller theory are possible in the larger theory that contains the former as a limiting case when some set of control parameters vanish.
    • Jack Sarfatti This is new wine in new bottles.
    • Jack Sarfatti 2.1 of the dissertation is a bit disappointing - too vague & may have some errors like what is allegedly experienced inside the black hole, e.g., time is dilated and size contracted to the outside observer not to inside observer.
    • Jack Sarfatti Moving on "Ideal concurrency due to superposition must be valid for quantum states, otherwise placing a detector after one of the slits in the twin-slit experiment could not retroactively create the self-consistent effect of the single photon passing o...See More
    • Jack Sarfatti "Quantum-encoded states directly address both primary computation resources (i.e. space and time) by allowing an unlimited locality metric, thus eliminating the need for the sequential integration of partial results. Quantum systems are always self-con...See More
    • Jack Sarfatti 2.3.1 is not intelligible to me
    • Jack Sarfatti Moving on "Two major classes of quantum algorithm exist. The first class is the implementation of traditional classical algorithms using quantum implementations of reversible logic gates to be discussed later, such as Fredkin and Toffoli gates [24]. Quantum Finite State Automata (QFSA) also fall into this category. These algorithms may be useful for implementing traditional logic when the nanoelectronics scaling limit is reached; they only use classical states and offer no computation gain due to superposition or entanglement."
    • Jack Sarfatti I will only quote what I find intelligible.
    • Jack Sarfatti "The second class of quantum algorithm outperforms its classical counterpart by using superposition and entangled states. Shor’s factoring algorithm [34] (which uses the Quantum Fourier Transform (QFT)) and Grover’s quantum search algorithm [14] are the primary known algorithms in this class. A very useful outcome of the present research would be to create programming tools to aid in designing both classes of algorithms."
    • Jack Sarfatti My Cornell professor Wolfgang Rindler was also on this guy's committee in Dallas, Texas. But Rindler is very old and obviously did not read the dissertation line by line or he would have made cuts in the obscure badly written parts.
    • Jack Sarfatti Rindler and Roger Penrose did important work on spinors in gravity back in the 60's & 70's.
    • Jack Sarfatti "The second class of quantum algorithm outperforms its classical counterpart by using superposition and entangled states. Shor’s factoring algorithm [34] (which uses the Quantum Fourier Transform (QFT)) and Grover’s quantum search algorithm [14] are the primary known algorithms in this class. A very useful outcome of the present research would be to create programming tools to aid in designing both classes of algorithms."
    • Jack Sarfatti Homework Problem Set 1: find out details on QFT & Grover's algorithm.
    • Jack Sarfatti "A physical implementation of the currently largest (seven qubit) quantum computer was reported by the Los Alamos National Labs (LANL) in March 2000 [18], only 18 months after the first three qubit machine was reported (using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and customized molecules). Early in 2002, IBM announced Shor’s algorithm factored the number 15 into factors three and five, running on a seven qubit NMR quantum computer. Nanodots
      (single 3D-confined quantum states) and nanomolecules (4-5 coupled nanodots) are the long term hope for quantum computers because they represent the continuation of contemporary semiconductor-based scaling methodology into the quantum computing domain."
    • Jack Sarfatti See also Kitaev on anyonic topological quantum computing with string theory braiding implemented in fractional quantum Hall effect? Still a dream.
    • Jack Sarfatti Hameroff's protein dimers wrapped around the micro-tubules are our "quantum nano dots".
    • Jack Sarfatti "Quantum computation follows an algorithm or recipe of operations, starting with initializing the qubits to known states. At the end of evolving the system state using a programmed sequence of operators, the final evolved state must be measured to produce the answer, which has the side effect of destroying the coherent information represented in the evolved state. This measurement process is called a projection, because the high dimensional states are reduced to a single classical bit vector result inside the measurement apparatus. Anywhere during this process, noise can also modify the system state, acting like an unwanted operator or measurement. For these reasons, redundancy of state with error correction techniques has been successfully applied to the evolution of quantum states. Designing quantum computers and algorithms is still in its infancy, but significant
      engineering progress has been made over the last ten years."
    • Jack Sarfatti Aharonov's weak measurements with back-from-the-future post-selection are a new dimension to the above narrative based only on Von Neuman's strong projection operator measurements. Weak measurements are not irreversible. Strong measurements are. Combining both in clever ways as Aephraim Steinberg has done in Toronto gives new precision techniques useful to the coming quantum computer technology. CIA & Lockheed already using primitive D-Wave quantum chips like Apple's first LISA.
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    Jack Sarfatti was at Lombards Street - Most Crooked Street and 9 other places.
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    • Jack Sarfatti "CHAPTER 2
      The universe is really a very large extended quantum simulation [12] whose outcome is the classical world view we experience around us. This fact is accepted because the inverse scenario is impossible, since classical computers cannot efficiently simulate quantum mechanical systems. Even empty space and black holes are filled by invisible, nonphysical quantum states (or zero-point energy), which represent a very high-dimensional quantum foam or ether that can only be observed as a small projection into our 4D spacetime."
    • Jack Sarfatti "This accepted understanding means that quantum states are protophysical [28], since they are more fundamental than classical entities such as space, time, energy, or matter. This idea agrees with the “big bang” theory of cosmic evolution in which quantum states existed before classical features appeared. Since primitive quantum states encode (or are) information, information is primitive and the start of the universe represents a quantum “bit bang” [23]."
    • Jack Sarfatti Yes, I have been saying this for years.
    • Jack Sarfatti These ideas are catching on.
    • Jack Sarfatti "Black holes are therefore bit buckets, due to the combined laws of thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, gravity, and information theory. The surface area of the black hole is known as its event horizon (or entropy, measured in bits), and represents the boundary between our physical 4D spacetime and the quantum dimensions inside (that form the singularity)."
    • ‎+ Brief History http://t.co/McSGFHBv
      I began work in the field of atomic astrophysics, and worked on the problem of di-electronic recombination in the solar corona. I then moved into cosmology, and the theory of black holes, especially their quantum and thermodynamic properties. During the 1970's and 1980's I helped develop the theory …